







第一篇文章由爱丁堡大学的教授2008年刊载于兽医学期刊,讲曼基康的基因突变会导致痛苦的骨关节炎:第二个网址由英国动物福利大学联盟(UFAW)设立,援引2011年的兽医论文,第三篇文章来自汉诺威兽医大学,2020年出炉的最新研究,证明曼基康基因附带的蛋白酶结构会导致软骨发育不良。这两篇都直接说了”letahl gene” “lethal trait”,意即”致命性的缺陷”。


Munchkin cats have a genetic mutation causing a defect in the formation of cartilage causing them to have shortened limbs; this is the signature feature of the cat breed. This abnormality is associated with painful osteoarthritis.

Gunn-Moore et al (2008) Breed-related disorders of cats. Journal of Small Animal Practice 49: 167–168.


The characteristic abnormality of Munchkin cats is obvious, on examination, from birth, but the extent of the resulting disability may only be evident as the cat matures.

Detection of osteoarthritis and the assessment of its severity may require radiography (x-rays) or trial treatment (Godfrey 2011). The Munchkin deformity is thought to be caused by a dominant, lethal gene with variable penetration. Kittens in which both copies of the gene are of the abnormal form are thought to die before birth. Animals with only one copy (ie those that are heterozygous) show the deformity. Since Munchkin cats have one normal and one abnormal copy of this gene, a proportion of kittens will inherit the abnormal forms from both parents (and will die before birth) and a similar proportion will inherit two normal forms and will avoid the disease altogether. The majority will, however, have inherited the condition.

This UGDH structural variant very likely causes the chondrodysplastic (standard) phenotype in Munchkin cats. The lack of homozygous mutant phenotypes and reduced litter sizes in standard Munchkin cats suggest an autosomal recessive lethal trait in the homozygote state. We propose an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance for the chondrodysplastic condition in Munchkin cats.

Struck, AK., Braun, M., Detering, K.A. et al. A structural UGDH variant associated with standard Munchkin cats. BMC Genet 21, 67 (2020).

